Including the underrepresented
/A paper presenting methods and strategies for ensuring the inclusion of traditionally underrepresented communities in participatory processes.
Read MoreA paper presenting methods and strategies for ensuring the inclusion of traditionally underrepresented communities in participatory processes.
Read MoreA toolkit and companion workbook on planning and designing public engagement activities, primarily aimed at city government leadership.
Read MoreA brief video introduction to legislative theater and some examples of how it has been used in policymaking.
Read MoreA book discussing the risks of political participation to citizens in Colombia, and theoretical concepts and methods to promote political advocacy through the concept of "permanent citizenship."
Read MoreA report exploring the use of municipal charters to allow equitable and just community decision-making, through a case study of the City of Boston, United States.
Read MoreA summary of innovative practices from subnational-level climate juries and assemblies run over the last five years in the United Kingdom.
Read MoreThe knowledge base provides definitions, guides, research findings, videos, and other resources about a range of participatory and deliberative processes.
Read MoreAn article emphasizing the importance of carefully selecting and agreeing on the appropriate terms and language with participants in citizen science.
Read MoreA toolkit providing an overview of citizen engagement styles and strategies, drawing from case studies on citizen participation initiatives in the Americas and the Caribbean.
Read MoreThis toolkit, in Bulgarian, provides step-by-step guidance to lead a participation process at school.
Read MoreA report discussing elements and guiding principles of citizen participation and how it can be embedded into decision-making.
Read MoreA report discussing insights from processes run in Sweden and around the world, to offer practical guidance on the design and planning of participatory budgeting.
Read MoreA research paper detailing the results of an extensive review of the literature and case studies of participation budgeting over 30 years, with particular focus on Kenya and Mexico.
Read MoreA book on participatory budgeting that explores its origins and theory of change, and defines the different types of program methodologies and how they work.
Read MoreA guide presenting a flexible approach to engage people in addressing public challenges in urban settings.
Read MoreA handbook on the open government process, in line with Open Government Partnership (OGP) standards.
Read MoreA toolkit providing best practices and guidance on citizen sensing, a participatory approach to data collection and community-led action.
Read MoreAn academic article on the institutionalization of citizens' assemblies in Ireland, considering whether the “Irish model” can be successfully replicated in other countries.
Read MoreA curated list of online tools that can be used at various stages of the policymaking cycle.
Read MoreA short guide on designing and launching a communications campaign.
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