Participatory budgeting: History and functioning in Polish local governments
/This document provides an overview of participatory budgeting in Poland, discussing its implementation, benefits, challenges, and historical and legal context.
Read MoreThis document provides an overview of participatory budgeting in Poland, discussing its implementation, benefits, challenges, and historical and legal context.
Read MoreA report presenting the work and recommendations of the Skopje Climate Assembly, the first citzens' assembly to take place in North Macedonia.
Read MoreThis report outlines how social movements and citizens’ assemblies can be combined as ‘Movement Assemblies’ to help community power-building organizations and coalitions build capacity, power and political clarity.
Read MoreA compendium of case studies and trends in public participation in Latin America. These cases showcase how participation can successfully be embedded into institutional structures, facilitating the scaling and strengthening of public participation in Latin America.
Read MoreA report detailing the history and functioning of participatory budgeting and its implementation in Georgia.
Read MoreA report on Serbia's citizens' assembly in Valjevo, which focused on air pollution, detailing process stages, results, and insights on the potential of such assemblies.
Read MoreTartu's first climate assembly, in 2022, engaged 55 randomly chosen residents to propose ways to enhance street safety, reduce pollution, and promote a climate-friendly future.
Read MoreA complete guide for the design and implementation of participatory budgeting (PB) in Georgia.
Read MoreA research report analyzing specific cases of participatory budgeting in Lithuanian cities and identifying the main challenges.
Read MoreAn overview of participatory budgets in Lithuanian municipalities, explaining what measures and technological tools have been to used and how to deal with challenges related to engaging residents.
Read MoreThis practical guide explains the impact of participatory budgeting on students and what to know to organize it in Lithuanian schools.
Read MoreA series of case studies of successful participatory budgeting (PB) experiences of neighbor countries to Czechia, including Poland and Slovakia, which can serve as a reference for the implementation of PB in Czech cities.
Read MoreHandbook detailing the different methods and processes developed by one of Norway's leading municipalities in the field of participation.
Read MoreMethodological guide for the development of participatory budgeting (PB) processes adapted to the context of cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including steps for design, planning, implementation and evaluation, and several examples of PB in the country.
Read MorePresentation on the establishment of a deliberative process in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Read MoreReference documents for the development of citizens' assemblies in Croatia, based on an assembly in Rijeka, including reports, data and instructions for preparing the process.
Read MoreEvaluation report of the OmaStadi participatory budgeting process developed in Helsinki from 2018 to 2020, including the procedure, variables and criteria used for evaluating PB.
Read MoreA report on the Forum Against Fakes citizens' assembly in Germany, that used a combined method of consultations and a citizens' assembly.
Read MoreA model of a citizens' climate assembly developed in the Balearic Islands region in Spain, adapted specifically for a region formed by islands (archipelago).
Read MoreA handbook for the design and implementation of deliberative mini-publics in European hybrid regimes, including Serbia, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Montenegro.
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