Explore our curated selection of top tools, guides, and materials on participatory democracy.
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A guide for citizen engagement in local decision-making in Armenia, to enhance democratic governance in the country.
Website with all the info and documents from Estonia’s first climate citizens' assembly, where young people from Ida-Viru County developed recommendations for a just transition to climate neutrality.
A guide providing strategies for Flemish governments to implement participatory budgeting, focusing on transparency, inclusivity, and civic engagement to build public trust.
A manual for participatory budgeting in Ukraine, including theoretical foundations, past experiences in the country, and a step-by-step guide to each stage of the process.
A practice-oriented guide for the design and implementation of participatory budgeting processes, adapted to the Ukrainian context.
A manual for the implementation of participatory budgeting in youth centers in Slovenia, as a way to include more young people in the decision-making and budget allocation of youth organizations.
A guide for the use of different citizen participation mechanisms for urban planning and urban projects in the legal and social context of Spain, and specifically in the Valencian Community.
This resource showcases the state of the art of citizens’ asemblies and opens new perspectives informed by multidisciplinary research and new thinking about deliberative processes.
This document (written in Romanian) includes the methodological details of participatory budgeting experiences implemented in different Moldovan municipalities.
This resource introduces Augusto Boal's methods in Lithuanian, including their history, principles, examples, and practical advice for application.
This document provides an overview of participatory budgeting in Poland, discussing its implementation, benefits, challenges, and historical and legal context.
This document analyzes participatory budgeting as a direct democracy tool in Polish local governments.
An introduction to legislative theater in Poland, highlighting its role in fostering social dialogue and community engagement through performance.
A guide to involve youth in climate assemblies as a child rights issue, advocating for their participation in decisions affecting their future.
A course support guide outlining social theater as a tool for community engagement and social change in Moldova, focusing on participatory methods like forum and legislative theater.
A guide for participatory processes in Turkey's local governments, emphasizing legal frameworks, best practices, inclusion, and human rights.
A handbook offering practical guidance on implementing forum theater in Estonia, explaining its principles and providing exercises to engage communities in social dialogue.
A guide for organizing and moderating controversial citizens' assemblies in Germany.
A practical guide to organize and moderate local community forums that promote democratic participation in Bosnia & Herzegovina.
A report presenting the work and recommendations of the Skopje Climate Assembly, the first citzens' assembly to take place in North Macedonia.
A comprehensive guide exploring both in-person and online participatory methods.
This document responds to the rise of participatory budgeting (PB) in Polish cities, organizing the discussion and establishing standards for PB processes in Poland.
The playbook provides guidance on engaging with climate assemblies to influence climate policy effectively, emphasizing public participation and accountability.
An essential resource (in German) for those seeking to implement Theater of the Oppressed processes.
A technical tool to help organize a random selection process for citizen's assemblies.
An online post explaining the origins and functioning of forum theater, focused on its implementation in the Bulgarian context.
This report outlines how social movements and citizens’ assemblies can be combined as ‘Movement Assemblies’ to help community power-building organizations and coalitions build capacity, power and political clarity.
A compendium of case studies and trends in public participation in Latin America. These cases showcase how participation can successfully be embedded into institutional structures, facilitating the scaling and strengthening of public participation in Latin America.
A report detailing the history and functioning of participatory budgeting and its implementation in Georgia.
A guide to help civil servants at the local level in Georgia implement innovative mechanisms and effectively manage participatory processes.