Participatory budgeting as a mechanism of direct democracy in Poland
/This document analyzes participatory budgeting as a direct democracy tool in Polish local governments.
Read MoreThis document analyzes participatory budgeting as a direct democracy tool in Polish local governments.
Read MoreA report on Serbia's citizens' assembly in Valjevo, which focused on air pollution, detailing process stages, results, and insights on the potential of such assemblies.
Read MoreAn overview of participatory budgets in Lithuanian municipalities, explaining what measures and technological tools have been to used and how to deal with challenges related to engaging residents.
Read MoreThis practical guide explains the impact of participatory budgeting on students and what to know to organize it in Lithuanian schools.
Read MoreEvaluation report of the OmaStadi participatory budgeting process developed in Helsinki from 2018 to 2020, including the procedure, variables and criteria used for evaluating PB.
Read MoreA guide for the development of a climate justice campaign, including different methods, tools, activities, and materials to engage youth in climate issues.
Read MoreSample of a recruitment flyer to attract participants for a legislative theater process.
Read MoreThis guide shares the necessary tools to carry out this form of theater, including materials and step-by-step instructions.
Read MoreA book discussing the risks of political participation to citizens in Colombia, and theoretical concepts and methods to promote political advocacy through the concept of "permanent citizenship."
Read MoreA report discussing elements and guiding principles of citizen participation and how it can be embedded into decision-making.
Read MoreA book on participatory budgeting that explores its origins and theory of change, and defines the different types of program methodologies and how they work.
Read MoreAn academic article on the institutionalization of citizens' assemblies in Ireland, considering whether the “Irish model” can be successfully replicated in other countries.
Read MoreThis report presents case studies of citizen participation across 10 Swedish municipalities and provides a model for designing citizen participation for social change, primarily at the local and regional government level.
Read MoreA report on a series of deliberative minipublics run by the Decidania program in Brazil.
Read MoreA report looking at public deliberation in citizens' climate assemblies, with a focus on the Climate Assembly UK, which was the first United Kingdom-wide citizens' assembly on climate change.
Read MoreThe Global Assembly, which is made up of 150 organisations from over 50 countries around the world, aims to create a permanent global citizens’ assembly on the climate crisis and has been co-designed with institutions, scientists, citizens and social movements.
Read MoreA video on the Rybnik360 project, a just-energy transition project focused on phasing out coal in one of the EU’s largest coal-producing regions through the involvement of citizens and city stakeholders.
Read MoreA video of the "Tok tok" initiative in Coutances Mer and Bocage (France), which had the aim was to reach out to young people and their families who live in remote rural areas and don't usually join citizens' participation processes held in the city in order to hear their mobility needs and their proposals for low-carbon solutions.
Read MoreThe final report of the French Citizens' Convention on Climate held in 2019 and 2020, in which a representative panel of citizens was asked to deliberate on the question “How can France reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 percent (from the 1990s level) by 2030, in the spirit of social justice?”
Read MoreA website with information on the Danish Climate Citizens' Assembly.
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