Thirty years of PB in the world

A book about the 30 years of participatory budgeting around the world. It focuses on the international context that enabled PB's international dissemination; the analysis of the map of PB experiences around the world; and the proposal of an international PB agenda for the upcoming 30 years.

This publication is structured around three main points: i) a reading of the most relevant events of the last thirty years, worldwide, which aims to understand the international context in which participatory budgets have spread; ii) an analysis of the map of participatory budgets today, with its geographical distribution, as well as a proposal for the interpretation of the main trends seen in recent years. These include the "leap in territorial and institutional scale" of these processes, with the authors proposing a key for comparative reading between national and regional participatory budgets; iii) the elaboration of an international agenda of participatory budgets for the next 30 years. 

Source: Oficina
Author information: Nelson Dias, Simone Júlio

Year of publication: 2019