Heroes of change: Citizenship education and child participation (grades 9-12)

This toolkit, in Bulgarian, provides step-by-step guidance to lead a participation process at school.

The educational program it offers invests in children’s power, building skills they need to influence the decision-making process and implement their ideas. The resource focuses on the local government level because it is closest to students and directly affects their lives.

The toolkit is organized in modules with lesson plans, interactive learning tools and materials:
1. Applied citizenship education for decision-making at the local level.
2. Creating a space for generating and developing their ideas for the environment around the school and the community they live in.
3. Presenting ideas and gathering support at school and in the community.
4. School elections for ideas to be implemented.
5. Implementation of ideas related to school and advocacy to the local government for ideas related to the city/village.

The toolkit is developed for and validated by students in grades 9-12.

Source (all rights reserved): The Small Steps Foundation
Language: Bulgarian

Year of publication: 2020