Charlie Martial Ngounou
/AfroLeadership | Yaounde, Cameroon
Charlie Martial Ngounou
The founder of AfroLeadership, Charlie is an expert in local governance, decentralization, budget transparency, accountability and citizen participation. He has been the public finance project manager for the Association Internationale des Maires Francophones (AIMF) since 2009 and implements SIM_ba, the Integrated Financial Management Information System built by AIMF for Francophone countries.
Charlie also is supervisor of the Cameroon Open Participatory Budget, a project that uses digital platforms and tools to expand the participation of women and youth in rural areas. He launched Decidim4Africa, which expanded the applications and reach of the digital-participation platform on the continent.
Currently, Charlie sits on the board of many global organizations, including MyData Global, aNewGovernance and the International Aid Transparency Initiative. He is also a member of the Climate Coaching Group of the International Association of Coaching.
Charlie holds a university diploma in computer science and a master's degree in management science. He also has earned professional certifications in open governance, open data, public finance, public contracts, decentralization, local governance, fiscal transparency and taxation.