Nets4Dem: People Powered and partners launch coalition to advance democratic innovation and participation in Europe
/Together with European and global organizations, People Powered announces a new initiative to advance democratic innovation and participation across Europe – Nets4Dem: Networks of Networks for Democracy. This bold collaboration aims to fortify and renew democracy across Europe by weaving together local, national, European, and global networks into a coordinated joint effort.
Nets4Dem is funded by a €3 million three-year award from the European Union through its Horizon Europe program. As a collaborative network, it will connect advocates, policymakers, academics, practitioners, and civil society organizations in Europe and associated countries. It will serve as a center for advanced research, fostering collaboration in democratic innovation, civic deliberation, participation, and citizenship education.
People Powered is a founding partner of Nets4Dem, along with four of our member organizations. In close collaboration with our member Coglobal, we will expand and adapt our existing resources and programs, such as the Participation Playbook , Accelerators, Rising Stars Mentorship, and online resource center, so that they can better support a wide range of innovative democratic programs in Europe. Coglobal will host our new joint team members Alisa Aliti Vlasic and Juan Francisco Suarez, who will coordinate these tasks, overseeing and implementing the Nets4Dem work together with the People Powered and Coglobal team.
Stay tuned to learn how our work with Nets4Dem will synthesize best practices, make essential knowledge and resources more accessible, and equip policymakers and practitioners with the necessary skills and support to more effectively engage citizens and build trust in government.
Nets4Dem will be coordinated by Democracy Reporting International. Its founding members are:
Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES)
Democracy Reporting International (DRI)
Democratic Society (DemSoc)
Demos Helsinki
Egmont Institute - Royal Institute for International Relations (Egmont)
European Partnership for Democracy (EPD)
Open-Source Politics (OSP)
People Powered
Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA)
Universitet U Beogradu, Institut Za Fijlozofiju i Drustvenu (IFDT)
The unique blend of expertise and strengths of network partners positions Nets4Dem as a powerful force in strengthening democracy.
Nets4Dem’s reach will extend across the European Union and Horizon Associated Countries (see the list).
For updates and more information on Nets4Dem, sign up for our newsletter at the link below.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EU Horizon. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.